Friday, February 27, 2004
X Games
The last weekend was at the X Games...Guys were flying on everything! Skateboards, inlines, BMX...bikes also. Lots of people...and lots of heat, can dehydrate!
Tickets were bought yesterday and it got my name printed on all of it....YAY!!!
I just have to say this...i find it's yucky when people are hypocrite/ two-faced. *duh*.
Back again after lunch!
I just have to say this...i find it's yucky when people are hypocrite/ two-faced. *duh*.
Back again after lunch!
Wednesday, February 25, 2004
How eh suddenly if I can't Yahoo or MSN at work anymore? With my kind of work place only internet and online friends that keeps me waking up every morning. So imagine how it is like to be working here? *hits head on the wall* anyways...a friend buzz me on Yahoo with a story to tell...if you read this...hear me out...don't go wasting what you have now...u've got the brains and also looks...and think triple twice before you go driving 300++ km in search of someone. Everyone has their secrets to keep and things that they wouldn't wanna look back and ponder at...but shit happens, it'll make u wiser...ecey...terror aje nak nasihat, i know im not wise enough to do so...remember, i told you once long long time ago...nak jadi jahat senang...nak jadi baik, it's so so hard. Now, im not gonna say "i told you so" or anything like that...all i have to say is...i'll be around when u need to talk but still my perception towards the object of discussion remains! *phew* and be patient!
Here's Dd...i like!

Here's Dd...i like!
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
Before Sunrise
Daydream, delusion,limousine,eyelash...
Oh baby with your pretty face...
Drop a tear in my wineglass...
Look at those big eyes,See what you mean to me...
Sweet-cakes and milkshakes...
I'm delusion angel... I'm fantasy parade..
I want you to know what I think...
Don't want you to guess anymore...
You have no idea where...I came from...
We have no idea where we're going...
Latched in life...
Like branches in a river...
Flowing downstream...Caught in the current...
I'll carry you...You'll carry me...
That's how it could be...
Don't you know me?...Don't you know me by now?
Sweet rite? and i just had to miss it...a shall kick myself in the shin! I tuned in about half an hour before it ended and the reception was so bad, there was loud buzzes that made me read the subtitles which was crap at times! I was searching like all over the world for that movie and to no avail there was none! Suddenly it was on TV last Friday nite *bummer* To a dear someone...what's above is for you!
And now...i have pictures!!! Randomly pick of what was taken last month till current...

Taken at Search

Oh baby with your pretty face...
Drop a tear in my wineglass...
Look at those big eyes,See what you mean to me...
Sweet-cakes and milkshakes...
I'm delusion angel... I'm fantasy parade..
I want you to know what I think...
Don't want you to guess anymore...
You have no idea where...I came from...
We have no idea where we're going...
Latched in life...
Like branches in a river...
Flowing downstream...Caught in the current...
I'll carry you...You'll carry me...
That's how it could be...
Don't you know me?...Don't you know me by now?
Sweet rite? and i just had to miss it...a shall kick myself in the shin! I tuned in about half an hour before it ended and the reception was so bad, there was loud buzzes that made me read the subtitles which was crap at times! I was searching like all over the world for that movie and to no avail there was none! Suddenly it was on TV last Friday nite *bummer* To a dear someone...what's above is for you!
And now...i have pictures!!! Randomly pick of what was taken last month till current...
Taken at Search
Thursday, February 19, 2004
Im just feeling down...feeling very tired and dizzy after staring at the same shit for way too long. My boss is no where to be found, that i like so much. But i think im more emotionally disturbed, thats more like it. I am frequently staring blankly into space...always trying to find answers to jo's everyday questions. The answer is not in my hand...tho i can make the final cut and run along but instead i give in...and hope...if to hope is wrong then i might die hoping. Touchwood! At times i asked..why me? It's so unfair...but i never blame it on anywho...i believe in fate too much rather than going around finger pointing at common faces. All i know, thats for sure...is that,i lack of affections. My eyes are getting so blurred, i must stop!
19th May, 04
I have a dateline to meet. In three months time, on the 19th that's it, i will have to answer to Jo and i hope the answer will be a good one. I guess she's tired of asking me the same question day in and day out with me giving the same answer and nothing is changing. She even marked her organizer for it...hehe...she's very thoughful...and the rest too! Countdown to 19th of May begins today! okgo!
Yati's in town,to see Mariah Carey tmrw...with a 300++ ticket...i wonder where she'll end up...I'm all hyped up for Incubus, only 98 bucks! Anyways, Im supposed to be meeting her in KLCC this afternoon...guess i'll take a rain check this time.
Yati's in town,to see Mariah Carey tmrw...with a 300++ ticket...i wonder where she'll end up...I'm all hyped up for Incubus, only 98 bucks! Anyways, Im supposed to be meeting her in KLCC this afternoon...guess i'll take a rain check this time.
Monday, February 16, 2004
What do u want?!
I felt nauseated after my eyes scanned thru a message on friendster. Some people has just got the nerve right. What is it that you want from me now? For almost a year i went thru life on my own when there was only a number of person that cared...i know they do. But some of you people turned your back side at me...I don't plead at why that was done, but i ignored all that eventho i slumped a little at life. All these helped...it helped me in finding my true friends. So now...ur life is miserable...and you are promising me the moon and the stars? heh...all i can say is...you can go and fly kites!
Sigh...my Monday morning wasn't that nice...now i'm blogging a little bit better. Good! Over the weekend, every inch of my body developed gegata! The itch was maximum and all i had was Ikea's Meatball...i can't be allergic to that can i? been eating it for way too many times and now suddenly it happened? owh..it could be something else tho...lunch's up now!
Sigh...my Monday morning wasn't that nice...now i'm blogging a little bit better. Good! Over the weekend, every inch of my body developed gegata! The itch was maximum and all i had was Ikea's Meatball...i can't be allergic to that can i? been eating it for way too many times and now suddenly it happened? owh..it could be something else tho...lunch's up now!
Friday, February 13, 2004
Nose is numb!
I recall one happening during Valentine years back...that was during high school...form 4 i think...i received a big box of ferrero rocher and a singing card that states "will u be my valentine" in it from a guy who sits on the same school bus as i did. He got down at my stop to give the present to me and had to walk back to his house coz the ah che' left him there...hehe...and what i did afterwards was ate the chocolate happily coz he insisted and then ignore him again...didn't meant to actually...i always do that...can't resist, tempted by the chocolates thou :p anyways...wanna wish all of you sweets a happy valentine's day! Love you all to bits and pieces!
My thoughts for today...
I wish we could talk if days weren't too short and nights weren't always rushing to seek dawn. I refuse to hear from what has been uttered by certain people for i don't really care about your sayings. I shut my mouth so that i don't have to articulate anything to anyone...why? so that feelings won't be impaired. My ignorance do have some certain frontier...
My thoughts for today...
I wish we could talk if days weren't too short and nights weren't always rushing to seek dawn. I refuse to hear from what has been uttered by certain people for i don't really care about your sayings. I shut my mouth so that i don't have to articulate anything to anyone...why? so that feelings won't be impaired. My ignorance do have some certain frontier...
Thursday, February 12, 2004
Valentine? huh?
I've been sick for three days! It's not getting any better thou...the coughs are continous, so i've got to cut down on the stick...i only thought bout it...but i don't actually do it *bummer* and instead i switch to lights...ehek..and now im in search for my nose...to sleep every night is very hard! toss and turn suddenly its already morning!
This coming Saturday will just be another normal Saturday for me...I've been listening stories from friends on their coming celebrations and all...i'm happy for you all!*muacks* have fun people! might wanna go and check out the MAS travel fair this weekend...but where's the cash la...dammit! if only there was bonus this year...i'll fly to see you jo!
This coming Saturday will just be another normal Saturday for me...I've been listening stories from friends on their coming celebrations and all...i'm happy for you all!*muacks* have fun people! might wanna go and check out the MAS travel fair this weekend...but where's the cash la...dammit! if only there was bonus this year...i'll fly to see you jo!
Monday, February 09, 2004
Rock & roll lah!
I managed to get back to KL on time, then the original plan was about to be canceled but i whine a little and off we went rushing to buy tickets to see SEARCH!!! To be a rock and not to roll...One concert worth going even if u don't know all of their songs by heart. The vibe was real, the crowd was awesome but sad to say the venue could've been somewhere else nicer with no stinking smell! Godbless did the opening way too long and Awie? He wasted gas la with his bikers and all but only did one number and it was only a duet...in another words...I don't favor Awie that much! Then after some time waiting came Amy clad in a Versace leopard print jacket!Pheewit! and the rest of the evening was something to remember by thou there was some chaotic incident but it wasn't that major! With an empty stomach, an aching leg coz i was up at 6.30 am that morning and something happened during the concert that pulled down my excitement a bit but overall it was worth my 52 bucks! I have pictures! But when will I ever post it up? Soon...Soon!
OK...Trip back home was nice...But I got really annoyed with the common question being asked again and again...Day after day! I'm not a thing where they can just pass me from here to nowhere! It a trend nowadays to do what you are supposed to be doing in life at a later age...Its a no biggie, so whats the rush for...It's all fated so when my time is up...I'll be up there! So the rest of the trip apart from getting uptight with the common question was done catching up, enjoying good food, good conversation and chuckles with good old friends! Nina was a sweetness! She baked a cake for me while I watched! hehe...and yes! my hair is bloody fucking short! :)
So i went to see Nina's dad bout my wisdom tooth then being refered to GH's specialist...dum di dum! both needs surgical removal which needs me to be admitted for a few days...i asked the doctor how long will all these take...and this was what he said..."your face will be swollen for 2-3 days and then you'll be down for another 2-3 days" and so i did the maths *euw* that long huh? but i have to get it done and over with coz both roots are touching my veins...that's not good!
OK...Trip back home was nice...But I got really annoyed with the common question being asked again and again...Day after day! I'm not a thing where they can just pass me from here to nowhere! It a trend nowadays to do what you are supposed to be doing in life at a later age...Its a no biggie, so whats the rush for...It's all fated so when my time is up...I'll be up there! So the rest of the trip apart from getting uptight with the common question was done catching up, enjoying good food, good conversation and chuckles with good old friends! Nina was a sweetness! She baked a cake for me while I watched! hehe...and yes! my hair is bloody fucking short! :)
So i went to see Nina's dad bout my wisdom tooth then being refered to GH's specialist...dum di dum! both needs surgical removal which needs me to be admitted for a few days...i asked the doctor how long will all these take...and this was what he said..."your face will be swollen for 2-3 days and then you'll be down for another 2-3 days" and so i did the maths *euw* that long huh? but i have to get it done and over with coz both roots are touching my veins...that's not good!